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10 Things to do to Prepare for a Hurricane

Some things to consider if you are preparing for a hurricane.

Keep your devices (phones etc) charged.Get extra food that doesn’t need cooking, water, and batteries. Get extra medicine if you are running low. Pick up anything that could fly around in your yard. e.g. loose materials. Bring furniture inside or toss it into […]

Hurricane Evacuation tips and considerations

If you are evacuating in a hurricane, be careful. Listen to local authorities on when to leave. Even though we know plenty of people who ignore it, it is better to be safe than sorry. On that note, here are some things to consider from our continually updated list:

Make sure you have sufficient […]

Ida and New Orleans

Everyone should of course rely on official forecasts and advice, but if you are in New Orleans or anywhere near there, you should seriously think about evacuating.

We’re not going to waste a lot of time with fluff and talk, but Ida is a dangerous system so think about evacuation.
